Friday, January 28, 2011

Wiki topic

Wiki Topic

By Wednesday, post a paragraph announcing your group's topic and how you are going to handle it. What subtopics are you going to cover? Who is doing what?

Please do not write as a group. You all need to get on the same page, and writing separately will give you some sense of any misunderstandings about the topic and the division of the work.


  1. Among my group, we have decided to do our research paper on the dorm, Stuyvesant Hall. We decided that we specifically want to focus on the haunting stories and myths of the residence hall, but also include the past history and the future renovations that will be taking place soon. Within the group we have decided to split the work just as I have stated above. Becca O. and I will be researching the haunting stories associated with the hall and split up the work as it comes. Rebecca L. will be working on the past history and how Stuy came to be a campus dorm. Finally, Chris will be collecting information about the, yet to come, renovations of the old hall. Overall, we will look over each other’s work to make the editing a team effort and to get everyone’s personal opinion on each portion of the paper.

  2. Our group is writing about Stuyvesant Hall. The topics that we are planning to cover are: History of the "haunting" (Ashley and Becca), physical history (rebecca), and future renovation plans (chris). Together, we plan on putting together the introduction and conclusion.

  3. For our wiki assignment, my group and I are doing women in the history of Ohio Wesleyan University. We are first going to look at the Ohio Wesleyan Female College and how women started at OWU. We are then going to look at important women in the history of OWU and what they accomplished with their lives after graduating from Ohio Wesleyan. For my part of the wiki I am going to write about the Ohio Wesleyan Female College and Mary Monnett, who helped found the college. Jenn is going to write about Lucy Webb Hayes and Hayes Hall and Kimberly is going to write about the first Black women in OWU’s history and her impact. Grace is going to write about another female graduate of Ohio Wesleyan who did great things after her time at OWU.

  4. My group has decided to do our wiki assignment on Perkin's observatory. We plan on splitting up Perkins into four sub-categories. I am going to cover The telescopes of Perkins as well as the architecture. Annaliese is going to cover the buildings current uses and programs that it houses. Amber is going to cover the contributions that Perkins has given the world. Finally, Jessica is going to cover its history which includes from its founding to current day where Annaliese will start her subject.

  5. My group is writing the wiki on Stuyvesant Hall. Becca and Ashley are writing on the history of the building's hauntings, Chris is writing on the future renovation plans, and I am writing on the building's past. If we find information relevant to anyone else's section while researching, we will pass it on to them. We will also collectively edit the wiki as we go along.

  6. our group consists of jess, annaliese, anthony and me obviously. we will be writing about perkins observatory. the topics that will be disscussed in our research report are the history of perkins by jess, the major contributions that perkins has made to the scienctific community by me, the building and architecture of perkins by anthony, and the most recent history and current topics of interest by annilease.

  7. My group Is focusing on the Perkins Observatory. The group is Amber, Annaliese, Anthony and me. I'm going to focus on the history of Perkins, Amber is doing the contributions from it, Anthony is doing the architecture and the building of the observatory, and Annaliese is focusing on recent topics and programs.

  8. Our group is going to discuss the athletic improvements that are currently happening at OWU. I'm going to focus on Selby Stadium with the placement of lights and the renovation of the training room which will both assist in OWU hosting the Outddor Track and Field National meet this year. Breane is going to discuss the awesomeness of Meek Aquatic Center, and Kevin is going to write on the renovations at Roy Rike Field and the addition of more tennis courts in the hopes of hosting Nationals some day.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My group and I decided on Women in the History of Ohio Wesleyan University for our Wiki topic. Our inspiration came from the fact we have not seen women being highlighted in much our history. Thus our purpose is to research and enlighten others about the many contributions women have made to our school, the American society and the world at large. Firstly, Jessica Wright begins the article by writing about the beginning of an Ohio Wesleyan Female College and Mary Monett who was one of the founders the college. In continuation, Jennifer Wallace is going to write her section about Lucy Webb Hayes and her contribution to our noble school. Subsequently my part of the wiki will include the first woman of colour and her success and journey. To consolidate our topic Grace Wallace is going to write about other Women in Ohio Wesleyan History who have also played tremendous roles in society in the past and present .We have decided to allow each other to research her own part of the assignment and write the article. After which we review and edit the pieces to be combined for the final assignment.

  11. Our group is writing about Stuyvesant Hall. The topics that we are planning to cover are: History of the "haunting" (Ashley and Becca), physical history (rebecca), and future renovation plans (chris).
    We plan on discovering the history and the future of what we know as Stuy.
    As a group we will bring together a conclusion and an introduction.

  12. For our wiki page, we decided to research Monnett Hall. We will be covering different aspect of this hall in the wiki. We will include information of Mary Monnett (covered by Meg), the history of Monnett Hall (covered by Jonathon), and a physical description/reasons for why it was torn down/how Monnett Hall is recognized and celebrated still today (covered by myself). We will all draft our own sections and then edit each others' drafts. We will finish by combining them and putting them all in order on the wiki page.

  13. For the Wiki, my group has decided to write about Women in OWU history. I will be writing about Lucy Webb Hayes and her interaction with OWU. Jess Wright will be writing about the Ohio Wesleyan Women's college and Mary Monett. Kim Trought will be writing about the first African American woman at OWU and her accomplishments. Grace Wallace will be writing about other women in OWU histroy. Each person will research and write a rough draft of her section. We will be meeting next week to edit and revise the drafts to be put together for the final project.

  14. The best group ever, Amber, Anthony, Jessica, and myself, will be covering Perkins Observatory. I am going to cover the subtopic of what the observatory is used for and the current programs that are in place. Amber is going to go over the scientific contributions that we have gotten from the research done there. Anthony will be covering the architecture of the building itself and the telescopes that are and have been at the observatory. Jessica will be writing about the history of the observatory, including the original Student Observatory. The whole group will be going to the observatory on Friday January 6th to gather pictures and some firsthand information.

  15. Our wiki group has decided to research the improvement of the athletic facilities at Ohio Wesleyan. We divided the topic into two main points discussing the new athletic facilities and the renovations of the athletic facilities. We then further divided the two broad topics into simpler ones and decided what parts each of us will write about. Holly is writing about Selby Field and the new weight room and outdoor track nationals coming this year. Kevin is writing about Roy Rike field and the installment of the new tennis courts. And I will be writing about the Meek Aquatics Center. We also discussed about meeting many other times before the paper was due and about writing the introduction and conclusion paragraphs together.

  16. Our group (Caitlin, Avi, Chris, & Cassie) is thinking about covering different aspects of Stuyvesant hall, but focusing on its hauntings. Topics included will be haunting, amenities, history, why stuy is important, future renovation plans, and controversies over these plans (my choice of study). We plan to create a wellrounded wiki based on Stuyvesant hall in its current state of being.

  17. My group decided to write about Monnett Hall for the wiki. We each are going to write a section by a certain date and then edit each others. Jessica will write a description about the building, why it was torn down and how OWU remembers it. I am going to write about Mary Monnett, who the building is named after, and Jonathon is going to write about the history of the building.

  18. My group (Cassie, Caitlin, Chris, and Avi) is covering Stuyvesant Hall. We plan to focus on the alleged haunting of the building. I plan on covering the historical aspect of the building as well as helping to do research on all of the topics. I will also be involved in the drafting of all of the parts of the Wiki. Our goal is to put forth a good overall summary of the building and an in depth analysis of the ghost stories that circulate throughout the OWU community about Stuy.

  19. My group have decided to write our Wiki Topic on the promoting of health and fitness by Ohio Wesleyan University. These would include our brand new Meeks Aquatics Center, renovations of Shelby, renovations of Roy Rike, etc. Having only three members in our group, we each have the responsibility of taking on more tasks. We've decided to each cover our assigned topics, research them, draft them, and then we'll edit as a group. For example, I, myself will be researching and drafting the improvements of Roy Rike and the plans of holding the Tennis Nationals in the next couple of years. Our goal is to display OWU's ambition of becoming a healthier campus and get rid of the stereotypical "freshman fifteen."

  20. Our group is researching Sanbourn Hall, the music building. Some of the questions we want to know is when it was built, why is it so far away from all the other academic buildings, what was its original purpose and why is it called Sanbourn. We plan on dividing up the work by having one of research, one of us draft and one of will edit. I will do most of the research, Max will draft and Kalee will edit.

    (I originally posted this on wiki)

  21. My group is writing on the history of women at Ohio Wesleyan University. This history includes an overview of the original Women's college, as well as some of the females who are/were lucky enough to call themselves OWU alumni. My responsibility will be to research and write about a historic figure (Mary Amanda Dixon Wells) who graduated from OWU.
