Monday, January 31, 2011

PA#7 – Cause and effect

Blog the following by Wednesday and bring a copy to class that day:

Identify a quality or issue that helps to identify Ohio Wesleyan and discuss one of its effects. Get very specific here. A quality might be OWU's emphasis on public service. An issue might be the rule that first-year students are not permitted to have a vehicle on campus.

In the first sentence, mention the the issue, but don't dwell on it. Presumably, you will have discussed the issue in some detail in a previous paragraph. Instead, in the first sentence identify the issue (the cause), and describe the effect (one of many) that you intend to discuss. Then, discuss that effect. Prove to the reader that it truly results from the cause.

C & E paragraph moves often but not always look like the following:

5 Topic sentence (a reference to the cause and a statement of the effect)
4 Explanation of the effect
3 Significance of the effect (how many, how much?)
2 Evidence to support significance
3 Impact of the effect (benefit or harm arising from the effect)
2 Evidence to support impact
3 ? Another impact of the effect (benefit or harm arising from the effect)
2 Evidence to support impact


  1. Last year Ohio Wesleyan launched a plan to go green and part of that plan was to bring in more local foods so Ohio Wesleyan, as a campus, was not contributing as much to the pollution caused by transporting the food. During the fall, Ohio Wesleyan brought in local apples and other seasonal foods from the surrounding farms instead of having them transported in from other areas of the country. The effect of bringing in local food was less travel time for the transportation of the food and thus less pollution contribution. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, “transportation is the largest single source of air pollution in the United States.” Therefore, with going green and bringing in local foods, Ohio Wesleyan is cutting down the use of transportation and reducing the amount of air pollution in the United States.

  2. School administrators have recently set major restrictions on Greek life here at Ohio Wesleyan University. These restrictions caused many students to opt to live off campus in order to avoid these new restrictions. In turn, the importance of fraternities here on campus has been creeping downhill. Surprisingly, this reduction of fraternity importance has affected most students even if they don’t realize it. According to the seniors this year, the hill was the place to be on the weekends. Apparently one fraternity or another held some sort of party or event every weekend and students hardly had to leave campus to socialize. This year, hardly anyone ventured up to the hill until after the first three weeks of class because of Public Safety’s stern warnings. Presently students spend most of their weekend nights off campus attempting to avoid PS. The deterioration of Greek life at OWU has put many students at the mercy of the Delaware Police Department. Students are now subject to punishment by two authorities no matter how minor the offense. Before only the serious problems required the attention of both DPD and PS. Restricting fraternities only caused more problems for students and solved none of the old ones.

  3. Ohio Wesleyan University takes great pride in its rich and diverse student body, which has a positive impact on all the students. By accepting applicants from all around the world, OWU gives its students the chance to meet many new people and experience different cultures. The campus consists of less than 2,000 students total, of that 10% are international students from over 57 different countries. Coming to visit OWU is like taking a trip around the world, only less expensive and time consuming. Many students are given the chance to experience and learn about completely new cultures, while in turn, sharing their own. This can be seen through Culture Fest, which is a student assembled celebration of all the different cultures here at OWU with a variety of foods and performances. Students are eager to learn more about their peers. In addition, having a diverse campus helps build tolerance in a society full of intolerance. Students acknowledge each others’ differences, and they know that even if they are worlds apart physically, they are not all that different from one another. Just taking time to understand their peers helps to eliminate ignorance on the OWU campus.

  4. Ohio Wesleyan University stresses a commitment to community service, service learning, and civic engagement programs, and as a result, earned the Presidential Award for Excellence in General Community Service in 2009. The highest federal recognition a school can achieve for this commitment, Ohio Wesleyan was chosen based on the scope and innovation of service projects, the percentage of students participating, and the availability of academic service learning opportunities. The students at Ohio Wesleyan involved in community service activities improve the lives of individuals in the community of Delaware, Ohio as well as around the world. Sue Pasters, Ohio Wesleyan’s director of community service learning, explains, “It is impossible to measure the full impact of our students’ efforts or the exact number of service hours given, but the ripple effect of their positive contributions is infinite.” The Presidential Award for Excellence in General Community Service portrays Ohio Wesleyan students as more attractive to potential employers. Employers are more likely to hire the candidate that has more community service experience, when choosing between two equivalently qualified potential employees.

  5. Due to the valuable quality of the academics here at OWU, we find that the acceptance rate from our school for jobs and graduate school are very high compared to other schools. By being well-known for our liberal arts studies, students have come from all over the country and world to get an education they know will get them far in life. Thousands of students that have graduated from OWU have been accepted into prestigious graduate schools or have been able to find suiting jobs. Either way, students from OWU tend to become passionate and successful in all they do after graduation. For example, OWU “students [have an] acceptance rate to medical, dental, and other health professional programs [that] is approximately twice the national average.” This merit statistic leads to a sought after reputation for our school. It attracts scholars that wish to succeed, and in turn, upholds our desired academic legacy.

  6. Ohio Wesleyan University is known for its sense of global unity due to its high number of international students. Though uncontrolled oceans, masses of land, and even religion and culture separate the students of Ohio Wesleyan from each other once graduated, global friendships have still endured the trials of nature. During these trying times that the world faces, these types of bonds that are formed can help keep stable relationships and promote peace around the world. Two former students of Ohio Wesleyan who were from two separate parts of the world decided to swim the English Channel together. David Gatz ’10 and Usman Javaid ’10 did the swim as a “gesture to the world” as well as to “show the world the power of international cooperation and friendship” it was stated. These types of relationships that have been created at Ohio Wesleyan may in fact impact the school in a such a positive way that more international students would like to join our campus in order to form global bonds. Such enrollment in the school with those international students will allow Ohio Wesleyan to reach an even higher level of diversity within our currents ranks. At Ohio Wesleyan in the school year 2010-2011, there are currently over fifty countries being represented on campus which allowed Ohio Wesleyan to be ranked tenth highest international campus among private liberal arts colleges in the United States.

  7. Ohio Wesleyan is known for having a well-established study abroad program, which makes for more passionate, high-reaching graduates. When undergraduates decide to study abroad, they challenge themselves in every aspect. Because of the challenges that they face, they learn many lessons that will follow them for the rest of their lives. A survey was taken of 3,400 study abroad students and of those students 96% had increased self-confidence, 80% had an increased interest in academics, 76% said that they acquired set skills that influenced their career path, and 94% said that their experience continued to affect their interactions with people from different cultures. Studying abroad enhances lives and forms a solid base for entering higher positions within the workforce, Gary Abramson said “My semester abroad …led to a graduate fellowship to Spain and North Africa, which led to work as a foreign correspondent based in Spain.” If people are placed in higher positions then they will be making more money throughout their lifetime and will be able to give more money back to the school. Therefore, because of a good study abroad program students will be more successful in life and they will be able to reciprocate the money back into the school.

  8. Although most of the school year Ohio Wesleyan's weather and terrain are fairly ideal, its these odd days when prospective students come in the middle of an ice storm that give our school a skewed impression of being inconvenient for students. The past few days, I have seen many prospective students in and out of our school, and their reactions to the half shoveled paths, power outages, and trees encompassed in ice, they may look a little more closely at that less ideal school that happens to be in a seemingly more ideal part of the country--Florida. Many students see the desolate winters in the small town of Delaware to be cozy and easier to stay inside and do homework, however, when large storms come through it often becomes a test of which matters more: education or personal safety. The schools stress on student safety is a little bit discredited when you look out your dorm window and sigh as you see a few students with backpacks struggling to adjust to their complete lack of traction. Especially for our schools large population of students from areas where snow is scarce or never seen, this new weather obstacle is quite the burden, and even highly dangerous. For example, my friend from San Francisco fell on the ice yesterday and hit her head, resulting in possible head trauma. Hopefully in the future our school will take more in to consideration that not all weather is able to be adapted to, and that sometimes Ohio weather in February will set classes back a day but it shouldn't set those unlucky ice victims' lives back for trying to be good students.

  9. In an effort to become a healthier university a group of OWU students are pushing for a smoke-free campus in 2013. Lately there have been several initiatives taken in order to make OWU a healthier campus; however, making the campus smoke-free will have effects on OWU both positive and negative. For example, by not allowing people to smoke on OWU’s campus you are denying them some of their basic rights. While you can no longer smoke in buildings anywhere in Ohio there is no law denying people the ability to smoke in public areas. Another negative effect that would come from OWU being a smoke-free campus is that some prospective students, especially those that smoke, may decide not to come here. Until smoking is made illegal nationwide it is still a personal choice. Even though there are a few negative effects to making OWU smoke free, it ultimately helps to create a healthier environment. Not smoking could be the catalyst that starts a healthier lifestyle by eating a balanced diet and exercising more.

  10. At a high-caliber academic school such as Ohio Wesleyan University, stress is all too common on campus. For many students, one of the most common methods of relieving stress comes in the form of partying; often times involves the consumption (more specifically, the over-consumption) of alcohol. At the time that students consume alcoholic drinks such as beer or hard liquor, they provide a stress-relieving affect; however the aftermaths are usually awful. On the website, is an article that follows an analysis that USA Today conducted over a five-year period beginning in January 1, 2000. Over the five-year period and all of the colleges that they investigated, USA Today had recorded a total number of 620 alcohol-related deaths; that’s 124 deaths per year. While college students use alcohol to enjoy themselves and take their minds off of the daily grind of college, they are either ignorant or oblivious to the harmful side effects of the over-consumption of alcohol. Although alcohol is not always the direct cause of deaths, they are a major contributing factor. At Ohio Wesleyan University, a 20-year-old student was killed in a fraternity house fire; he was not able to escape the building because he was way too intoxicated after drinking all night long. With the over-consumption of alcohol, students run the risk of making poor choices on weekend nights. Also, many underage students that had been drinking prior to going out on a Saturday night end up running the risk of getting themselves in trouble with the authorities if they get caught.

  11. One of OWU's best qualities is the design of it's campus. Located on a very large stretch of land for it's population, it is very spread out and not cramped at all. It has the feeling of a large university while still having class sizes averaging at about only 20 kids. The best part about the design of OWU is the existence of two separate sides of campus. On one side lie the residential buildings and on the other lie the academic buildings. On the residential side, students are free to leave behind academics and focus on personal and social aspects of life. They can easily do homework in their rooms or in study rooms, but no serious academic buildings are anywhere close. As the students enter the academic side, they experience a transformation into a serious student. Whatever thoughts were previously in their heads seem to be left behind at the dorms, and school work becomes the main priority. With these two sides separate, students have an easy time keeping their academic worlds apart from their social worlds.

  12. Ohio Wesleyan University has initiated a smoke free campus policy to promote healthy lifestyles and contribute to a clean environment. This initiative began in 2006 with the institution of no smoking in dorms and buildings .However, it still poses harmful effects for the environment an, non –smokers and has financial repercussions which affect the tuition we pay. According to school financial statements the school spends enormous amounts of money in health insurance for employees. Majority of the student population are second hand smokers than minority who are smokers. The impact of such a policy proves to be very beneficial in decreasing pollution, health hazards and environmental hazards. The benefits far out way the harms which is the loss of some sense of freedom for smokers. Many campuses in the US have enforced the campus smoke free policy and it works and makes the school attractive to perspective students. Instituting a smoke free environment will cut tremendous costs incurred by smoking by reducing the health insurance for employees and students which apparently is very high. This will also reduce the possibility of students having to seek medical care for respiratory illnesses as a result of second hand smoking.

  13. A big problem at Ohio Wesleyan is the lack of consideration for the student’s safety. A recent ice storm has caused hostility among the students and the university board. The ice has caused the sidewalks to be unsafe and walking to class treacherous. Limbs of trees are braking off and falling on the sidewalks and could potentially fall onto students. The roads are slick for cars which makes it hard to stop. Students cross many busy streets and could be in the line of a slipping car. Power is going out in the buildings on campus, leaving students in the dark. Students are nervous about skating to class and are either falling on the way there or skipping class all together out of fear. The possibility of students falling on campus grounds is very high and the university could face lawsuits. Although the purpose of this university is first and foremost the education of the students, the safety is more important.

  14. Since Ohio Wesleyan does not close for a severe ice storm, the students become at risk of severely harming themselves on the way to classes. Although it is not a level 3 snow emergency, the conditions are still treacherous, and it would be safer for the students to be in their dorms and off of the sidewalks. With a quarter of an inch of ice on the sidewalks, students are forced to ‘ice skate’ their way to class and they constantly slip and fall. Many students have been seen taking rough falls all day, and it is rumored that there have been some cases of concusions. For the well-being of the students, it would be a smarter idea to close the University than to keep them hobbling off to class.

  15. Ohio Wesleyan attempts to promote individuality and prepare students for the real world, however it limits the students ablility to experience real life by restricting off-campus housing causing students to illegally move. By junior or senior year, many students desire to live off-campus in order to experience the life they will soon have after college and to also have a sense of autonomy after living in the dorms for years. Ohio Wesleyan has recently become more strict in who can move off- campus and refer to it as "a limited amount of seniors" who recieve the privalege. Therefore, no juniors and only a small amount of seniors are allowed their top housing choice. Students who do not receive their main choice for housing sometimes feel the need to move off-campus illegally, thereby jepordizing their future at Ohio Wesleyan. If a student is caught the consequences can be harsh and not worth a decent person risking them. Students' opportunites are severely limited by the school, and they should not have to commit and illegal act in order to live in a house for a year. If the school opened up more spaces for students to live off-campus, not many people would need to move off without the consent of Ohio Wesleyan.

  16. Ohio Wesleyan University limits their snow days to maximize time in classes, but this choice places people in danger. The university rarely closes so students are walking to class in harsh weather. Ohio Wesleyan’s snow day policy is that the school will close only if Delaware County is in a Level 3 snow emergency. A level 3 snow emergency means that roads are closed to all non-emergency personnel and travel should be avoided unless it is absolutely necessary or there is a personal emergency. However, this policy still places people in danger as level 2 snow emergencies are dangerous as well. A level 2 indicates that roadways are hazardous and driving should be done only by those who feel it is necessary. The Ohio Committee for Sever Weather Awareness writes on their website that people should “contact your employers to see if you should report to work.” If they are telling people to see if it necessary to report to work, then obviously people should avoid being outside if possible. But students who still have class must walk through campus in the severe weather, putting themselves at risk of exposure. The policy also places professors in danger as they are required to drive to school in dangerous conditions.

  17. Ohio Wesleyan’s current policy of allowing very few students to live off campus is causing many students to question the quality housing at Ohio Wesleyan. Ohio Wesleyan currently does not allow students to just live off campus unless the claim and are granted commuter status or are one of the few lucky students who put in and win the off campus permit lottery. This lack of allowing students to live off campus makes many older students question the quality of options they have for living that truly fit their upper classmen status. For example at many universities after their sophomore or even freshman year students are allowed to live in off campus apartments or houses. However at Ohio Wesleyan, unaffiliated male upperclassmen students or female upperclassmen students have the options of Smith Hall, Stuyvesant Hall, or if they are lucky the new Williams Street Living Units, these are mostly the same options as the underclass student. Quite frankly upperclassmen should be offended by the fact that they are forced to live in dorms like Smith and Stuyvesant at a university where the combined cost is over forty five thousand dollars. The condition of Smith is at best that of a freshman dorm and the architecture of the rooms is not the most appealing either. The university has tried to rid the problem by renovating unused fraternity houses into upperclassmen living units. When asked about the universities attempt to cure this problem by making the new Williams Street Living Units, Ohio Wesleyan Junior Alex Bailey said, “I love (Pete) Merkle (his roommate), he’s been a great roommate these past two years, but I think I’m old enough now to have my own room again.”

  18. Ohio Wesleyan has recently taken the role of supporting healthy student life which has led to many changes in its attitude and response towards food. Ohio Wesleyan‘s decision to support healthy student life has increased the availability healthy food options around campus. Food choices in both Hamwill and Smith have been centered more towards healthier options with informational packets covering many tables and walls. Smith offers vegetarian meals and whole grain selections at each meal. With the presentation of healthier alternatives, students can benefit by avoiding greasy and fatty foods. For instance, offering fruit and salad bars or veggie burgers allows students to eat a filling meal that doesn’t tire or way them down like fatty, unhealthy foods. Students who are alert and not tired from greasy food provide an increased opportunity for that student to put more energy towards class and not towards the digestion of complex fats.

  19. Ohio Wesleyan University has a deep rooted tradition in commitment to its academics, but realistically a student still has a fair amount of free time to spend and it can often be difficult finding ways to do so. A great way to spend this free time is by doing any number of athletic activities in the Branch Rickey/Edwards Gym complex. The gym boasts two basketball courts, six racquetball courts, a weight room, and several tennis courts surrounded by an indoor track. With lots of space for all kinds of casual games like pick up basketball, dodge ball or even ultimate frisbee you would think that the gym would be a great place to spend your free time, but there’s a huge problem with accessibility. The gym is only open until 8 p.m. on Fridays and from noon to 6 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. What’s even worse is that you can hardly find space to do anything because varsity sports take up most of the areas with their practices during the limited time the gym is even open. At first look it seems like this is an exaggeration, after all there’s foosball, ping pong, and pool both in Welch and Smith. However there are no foosball balls, the ping pong table in Welch is broken and the net in Smith is held up by wadded up newspaper, and all of the pool cue’s tips are worn down to the point that it’s hard to even play with them. This issue is only magnified during the winter when outdoor activities are extremely limited. Forced inside and without the gym students aren’t left with many options on weekends besides partying, playing video games or watching T.V. The gym alone has lots of bearing on a students’ free time, and having it limited to such few hours truly does affect some students’ residential life.

  20. Ohio Wesleyan University recently implicated a strict off-campus policy that have disappointed the students of OWU. Students come to college knowing they may possibly have to stay in the dormitories for the first two years but usually they'll be able to live in an off-campus house with a few close friends as upperclassmen. However, OWU has changed the policy that students must remain on campus unless they are commuters or have home addresses within a certain range of the campus. This new policy has caused students to lie and deceive the housing offices in order to live off campus. The policy has even altered mindsets of few students to the point that they have negative thoughts of the university. For example, personally, home being 8 hours away, the only chance of me living off campus is to either join a fraternity, pay for a house and the dorm, or have my family move up here, all of which is drastic just to live in an off-campus house.

  21. Ohio Wesleyan University offers the majority of its classes at the same hours making it very difficult to double major. This makes Ohio Wesleyan seem like it doesn’t encourage or support students wishing to double major. Most courses are Monday, Wednesday, Friday between the hours of 9 and 11, but since many students considering a double major must follow a strict course progression, they can't afford for their classes to conflict. A good majority of first year students are reconsidering a double major because many courses essential to their majors are only offered between those hours. Additionally, as a liberal arts college, Ohio Wesleyan requires all of its students to take a wide variety of courses, forcing some students to choose between falling behind on their course progression or taking a bunch of intro classes their senior year. For example, last semester I was forced to choose between fulfilling my language requirement and not taking a course in my major for a year or postponing the language requirement until later.

  22. Ohio Wesleyan University finds closing the gym at 10:00 PM on weekdays and 8:00 PM on Sundays to be convenient for the university as a whole, but these hours of operation are annoying plenty of students. Since Stuyvesant Hall Fitness Center closes this early, several people must sacrifice their workouts all-together. Since most people attempt to start their homework after classes, night time can be the most convenient time to go to the gym. In addition, most people cannot exercise immediately after they eat, so anywhere between one to three hours of wait should be expected. The Mayo Clinic even says, "Exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts more pep in your step every day. But exercise also has some direct stress-busting benefits." With the stress of schoolwork, routine trips to the gym are absolutely essential. More stressed-out students roam the campus because they cannot relieve stress. But, they have a better chance of getting to the gym if the hours were pushed back much later.

  23. Ohio Wesleyan University has a long tradition of admitting international students to our college. This makes the OWU community a vibrant melting pot of different cultures, nationalities etc. In other words, it brings about an understanding and acceptance of global diversity as a result of such an interaction. This is crucial because an understanding of other cultures brings about an elimination of one’s misconceptions of them. Case in point, my roommates once believed that most people in India have arranged weddings. Being Indian, I clarified their beliefs by refuting their stance – love marriages are a rising trend in India as well. I, for example, am a fruitful product of such a union.

    Comprehension of ‘other worlds’, however, has its pros and cons. Being in constant contact with people from other cultures means we usually develop a positive appreciation of them ,resulting in close friendships or love relations. I have seen Bulgarians, Americans, Jamaicans and Japanese get into relationships with one another – something which I have never seen in my life. On the flip side, understanding could also reinforce or (worse) create negative stereotypes of one another.

    “50 percent” my friends say, “of smokers at OWU are international students.”

    This is offensive to me because it implies that smoking is common among us. It gives us a ‘cancer stick lover’ image. Because I look Pakistani, someone will think me as a smoker (admittedly, a lot of them do). Even though we do take up this habit at college, the outside world is considerably different. A lot of South-East Asians do not approve of smoking and it’s wrong to enforce such an image on us. Understanding here is thus a double-edged sword. We have to be very careful while making statements, assumptions or generalizations upon them.

  24. Ohio Wesleyan University takes great pride in its rich and diverse student body, which has a positive impact on all the students. By accepting applicants from all around the world, OWU gives its students the chance to meet many new people and experience different cultures. According to the Ohio Wesleyan website, campus consists of less than 2,000 students total, of that 10% are international students from over 57 different countries. Coming to visit OWU is like taking a trip around the world, only less expensive and time consuming. Many students are given the chance to experience and learn about completely new cultures, while in turn, sharing their own. This can be seen through Culture Fest, which is a student assembled celebration of all the different cultures here at OWU with a variety of foods and performances. Students also show an eagerness to share their cultures with their peers. For example, one day I had lunch with a girl from Vietnam, a girl from Morocco, and two other girls from India. We spent time exchanging information about our different cultures and even the foods that we missed most from our homes. It was a great experience to meet such diverse people. The diversity on campus gives students a chance to really meet new people and to learn more about other cultures that have never been experienced.

    Revision PA#7

  25. Revision #2

    Ohio Wesleyan University has a long tradition of admitting international students to our college. This makes the OWU community (represented by 57 different countries) a vibrant melting pot of different cultures, nationalities etc. In other words, it brings about an understanding and acceptance of global diversity as a result of such an interaction. This is crucial because an understanding of other cultures brings about an elimination of one’s misconceptions of them. Case in point, my roommates once believed that most people in India have arranged weddings. Being Indian, I clarified their beliefs by refuting their stance – love marriages are a rising trend in India as well. I, for example, am a fruitful product of such a union. Comprehension of ‘other worlds’ has other benefits as well. Being in constant contact with people from other cultures means we usually develop a positive appreciation of them, resulting in close friendships or love relations. Bulgarians, Americans, Jamaicans and Japanese here get into relationships with one another – something which I have never seen in my life. It has helped me get a more positive view of our world. OWU has clearly established himself as a platform for transitioning into an increasingly global society. This is a unique advantage we students gain - a firsthand knowledge of the global village and its members means we can easily adjust to the world outside.

  26. The Ban Debate at Ohio Wesleyan seems to be the topic of the year. As the Wesleyan Council of Student Affairs proposed a policy that could potentially ban smoking on campus beginning in the fall of 2013, raises a lot of voices among the OWU community. As a current smoker at Ohio Wesleyan, I see both sides to the issue at hand. The positive side, is that we would allow our students to live in a healthier environment, smoke free. On the negative side, you are taking away a freedom that any civilian has. The issue isn’t so much the proposition to ban smoking, but how they will go about this in away which everyone can win. According to the Transcript, “Smoking Ban Debate heats up,” by Matt Swaim; claims that enforcement would be very challenging if certain persons refused to comply with the ban. How can you enforce all these students to comply, fines and charges? The sad truth is, students still do everything they’re not supposed to anyways. The biggest difficulty will be the how will students comply, and will they comply?
