Friday, January 7, 2011

Paragraph #1 -- Basic Downshifting

We'll actually write the paragraph in class on Wednesday, January 12, so you need only bring detailed notes to class. But bring those notes to class on Friday. In the meantime, observe your environment. Look around. Take some notes.

Define and describe a problem here at Ohio Wesleyan. Start with a topic sentence that defines the problem. Then describe the problem in more detail in subsequent sentences. Finally, give a detailed example of the problem using the details to illuminate the description above.

Write a well developed paragraph that follows the basic downshifting pattern we will discuss in class. Sometime over the weekend, post your paragraph to the blog as a "comment" to this assignment. Also, BRING THE PARAGRAPH TO CLASS on Monday so we can spend some time in class editing it.

We will follow that basic pattern on all the paragraphs you write during the first weeks on the semester:

Day 1: Draft the paragraph.
Next class day: Edit the previous paragraph and draft a the next one.


  1. A large portion of students at Ohio Wesleyan University have something in common; they are athletes. But a majority of these students do not support this commonality between each other with causes a lack of respect for athletes and a lack of unity between athletes. Some student-athletes have the notion that their sport is the best and they do not feel the need to show support for the other teams on campus. In order to make athletes support each other, coaches often require their team to attend other sporting events. This attempt to fix the problem falls apart when not all coaches require it and fails in regards to athletes not wanting to support each other by their own will. Also, some teams believe that they have more right to facilities than other teams, which is often fueled by the difficulty to schedule several teams in one facility. This issue often attributes to athletes not respected the other teams on campus, but this issue was softened by the addition of lights on Selby Stadium so teams could practice after dark. These opinions about whose team is better, even though all the teams represent OWU, are often voiced, which affects the image of student-athletes on campus and hinders the respect athletes have for each other and causes the lack of unity between students who share a common passion: athletics.

  2. Ohio Wesleyan University currently has a drug abuse promblem on cmpus. In 2010, Ohio Wesleyan ranked eleventh of the "nations druggiest colleges." In a study done in 2007 by the national center on addiction and substance abuse, narly one half of college students bindge drink or abuse drugs at least once a month. Specifically, according to the study, marijuana use has doubled across campuses nationwide from 1993 to 2005. State wide, 19.62 percent of individuals aged 18 to 25 admit to illegally regularly. In addition, 28.79 percent of individuals ages 18-25 admit to using marijuana regularly. Ohio Wesleyan, a university of 1893 students cited 13 drug arrests on campus in the year 2009, one of the criteria designated in the ranking by the organization cinducting the survey. Along with arrests, this organization stated student opinion as the other factor for their ranking. The issue involving OWU as one of the nations “50 druggiest colleges” reflects negatively on this institution, as well as the students, faculty and community. Students have stated, a temptation or pressure derived from social status at OWU, has caused them to transfer or conform to social norms.

  3. The convenience store for Ohio Wesleyan Students, Thomson, isn't to convenient for their wallets. Students who are short on cash often rely on Thomson for toiletries, snacks, drinks, etc. The problem however is the overpricing of Thomson's goods. Thomson prices their goods based on student food points. Food points are converted at a ratio of about one food point to two dollars. This ratio creates a predicament when a student just wants a simple midnight snack, in this case, a hot pocket that is charged at 4.19 food points. Therefore, in reality this one box of hot pockets cost almost eight dollars whereas you can purchase it at the local UDF for about three dollars. Ohio Wesleyan students are harmed by this overpricing situation because as the semester continues, the dwindling amount of food points forces students to either ration their existing amount of food points or to purchase more food points.Respectively, who would want to go on a forced diet or spend even more money when you already pay an excess of 40 grand to attend Ohio Wesleyan. Despite most Ohio Wesleyan students already knowing this problematic situation, they continue to go to Thomson. Students may opt to purchase a larger meal plan in future semesters. However, if their parents gave them the same cash equivalent they could purchase almost double the amount of goods at the local UDF or gas station. This would help their wallets and even the local economy. In addition, students could sometimes treat themselves to a grander meal in downtown instead of the mundane cafeterias on campus.

  4. Smoking has caused a major conflict on the Ohio Wesleyan campus. It is not so much the fact that people smoke, but the fact that they smoke in a way that infringes on the rights of other students. It is true that is a personal choice whether to smoke or not. However, just because a student chooses to smoke does not mean they should affect others with their habits. Smokers effect nonsmoking students by not following the rule established to keep the smoke from entering buildings. The rule states that smokers need to stand 20 feet from any building while they are smoking. This rule tries to keep the smell of smoke out of the buildings. As many people do not follow this rule, students walk out of buildings straight into a cloud of smoke. This is unpleasant as the students are deprived of fresh air as they exit buildings and they are exposed to the toxic smoke. This presents some dangers to students as they are continually exposed to secondhand smoke throughout their year. The breaking of the 20 feet rule has annoyed many students and caused a slight conflict between the smokers and nonsmokers. The university has tried to address the problem by starting to turn the academic side of campus to a smoke free environment. This does not completely address the problem as the 20 feet rule is still not enforced and the nonsmoking students must still walk through smoke as they exit buildings.

  5. At Ohio Wesleyan it is difficult to double major in both music and another discipline. The music department is so small that for each class in the department there is only one block offered, and majors are required to take most of these classes. Someone can only major in music and something else as long as all of the required classes do not conflict. Many of the other departments are large enough to be more flexible, but the music department is not. A common problem is scheduling courses between the science and music departments. Sometimes, the two schedules work out in the beginning, but in later semesters there will usually be a music course that conflicts with a science lab. Despite efforts to work this conflict out, students are forced to choose between the majors.

  6. The offer of work study to students in college can be a misleading an confusing concept. We think of work study. It is thought of as guaranteed money that we get from campus jobs, but in reality we are not guarnteed such money. Work study jobs on campus give students the opportunity to pay off some of their tuition while doing jobs for the school. The problem with the jobs on campus and the student’s tuitions is not always. The problem with the jobs on campus and their the money they pay you versus the money that need for your tuition is not always met. When students who, from the federal government, are told that through work study they will have the $2500 after working to go towards their tuition it is automatically factored into their financial aid package they are given. If a student doesn’t work enough hours or isn’t payed enough then their tuition isn’t met which can cause a problem for enrollment. This kind of situation, the problem of enrollment with stdents can be a very scary and nerve racking experience. When monitary money situations are not met then peoples academic careers and futures can be at stake due to small miscommunications like that of guaranteed money for work study.

  7. There is much improvement to be done with the convenience of our dining halls when it comes to being informed and meal options. Trekking from Hamilton-Williams to Welch and back again because a student decided to settle for a disfavored dish at the former, becomes frustrating after a week. Knowing what would be served everywhere on campus would enhance the on-campus dining experience. If our campus could use an online menu and suggestion box for the dining places on site where the majority of the students eat, it would make our dining experience a little more convenient. If the menu was updated daily, students could find out what options are being served at each location in order to choose where they would like to eat. This way they do not waste time going from place to place, settling for something they do not prefer, or not eat at all. For instance, if the only dining area that is open on campus does not have vegan or vegetarian options as a main course than, either, food points are wasted on small snacks instead of spending those points on a hot meal or the search for a desired destination of decent food begins again. Furthermore, this may lead students to go off campus more often for food and either use their small amount of off-campus food points quickly or use money that should not need to be spent when they have a meal plan.

  8. As caring of a school as Ohio Wesleyan has proven itself to be, the easy inconvenience of recycling should be better incorporated into our school's gameplan to help change the world. Our mission is to impact the world in a life changing way, not adhering to being inactive bystanders to a crime, however, overtime this is a gradual yet deadly crime. As I sigh and place my uncared-for empty can of organic soda into a sea of other rubbish not even given a second glance, I see it as representing my small voice in a crowd of non-believers. We home an organic garden, send students on wonderful mission trips to help those in need, however as much as we are the change we wish to see in the world, this is dissonant with our ecological insustainibility here at home. Practice what you preach. An argument regarding changing the world is highly more credible coming from a group of students whose altruistic integrity is proven by their consistent acts of doing what they believe in overall, at home and afar. And change has to come from inside the system. We must first be the change we wish to see in the world. And how can one say that they are against pollution and an uncleanly environment when they mindlessly comply to the pluralistic ignorance of their peers, looking away and cringing as they drop the can and hear the last clank of acknowledgement that will ever mean anything to a human being for the rest of that cans thousand year life span. Although, as a school, we are getting better at this unsustainable fluke, becoming more sustainable will not only help our school, but it will help our school to help others and make an even more lasting impact.

  9. Although Ohio Wesleyan University offers many different eating locations the hours in which they operate are not long enough. Most of the smaller eating areas are only open a few hours for breakfast, lunch and dinner, however Smith Dining Hall is worst during dinner hours. For example, many students at OWU are involved in sports and other extracurricular activities. Their meeting times are generally in the late afternoon and because of this, Smith is only open between 5-7 for dinner on the weekdays and teams and groups have to plan accordingly in order to fit dinner into their bust schedules. Another example of the inconvenient dining hours are for those students with night classes. Generally night classes are longer than those in the afternoon therefore students must eat before their classes or wait until late at night when they are done. Ohio Wesleyan University should offer longer dining room hours to make the active students life more manageable.

  10. Walking around campus during the months of September, October, and November is beautiful; the leaves are changing colors and the squirrels are running around getting fat for winter…and then the smell hits you. There are outrageous trees, also known as Gingko trees, which smell like vomit and need to be removed from campus. This smell does not just permeate the air, but also sticks to the shoes of students and invades the classrooms where they’re trying to learn. Because of the smelly seeds that fall to the ground during these months many students have to change their path to class, which is inconvenient and annoying. In addition to the smell, and how difficult it is to remove from shoes, the clean-up of the tree droppings, or barf, as they smell, is such a task for the wonderful cleaning crew of Ohio Wesleyan University. When walking past the cleaning crew, students can see the green color in their faces from having to be exposed to the terrible smell for such a long duration. Therefore, these trees should be removed from campus because they do not produce a pretty smell, they disrupt class when the smell attaches to shoes, and they are very difficult to maintain. Basically, they have nothing to offer the campus and it would be much more beneficial to everyone involved if they were eliminated.

  11. The bookstore at Ohio Wesleyan University is a definite problem for students. Instead of helping students get the supplies they need, the bookstore takes advantage of them. The prices of the essential books sold there are overpriced and uncompromisable. What's more, when students reach the end of the semester and hopefully bring their books back to the bookstore to resell, they realize that the bookstore does not even buy back their books for not even half their worth. I encountered an example of this when I purchased my dance book for last semester. Purchasing the book for a total of $20, I assumed that when I sold it back I would receive at least $10. I brought my still-new appearing book to the bookstore, and I only received $4 for it. Shocked and wondering where this extra profit was going, I came to the sad realization that the bookstore here at Ohio Wesleyan is not here to serve the students but to achieve its own success. For this reason, the bookstore must be acknowledged as a problem for students, and something should be done to fix it.

  12. Preparing and completing assignments at the tertiary level is no easy task. This process is one which takes time and thought .After compiling and creating a master piece the presentation of such ingenious wonder needs to become a tangible reality .So you design and organize graded work for hard copy production. In these pieces we have pictures and graphics which enhance the aesthetic quality of our assignments .The next phase is to find simply a printer to produce exactly what we desire, a little colour to the dreaded black and white papers we have created. A problem that irritates me to the bone at this here institution is the fact that there are no coloured printers readily available to students .Last semester I went on many quests and unscrupulous means of getting my coloured printing done just to get marks crucial to my final grade .I think it should not be this way. One may argue why don’t I simply buy a printer and make my life easier but the umbrella factors here are money and availabity of time to select merchandise .I am already paying magnanimous amounts of money in tuition.

  13. Ohio Wesleyan joined the thousands of other universities incorporating new technology into their institution by installing wireless internet connection. However, Ohio Wesleyan's connection lacks the speed necessary for students to fully benefit from the technological advancement. In many residential buildings, especially in the basements, the internet slows considerably compared to the library's speed. At most times the screen displays one or two bars resulting in unbearable loading for sometimes minutes. Most importantly, student's schoolwork can suffer due to the lack of reliable internet. Assigned videos or online assignments can possibly take long amounts of time to load, and in some cases the internet can shut off for seconds completely. In order for students to get a proper education with the internet, the technology must work efficiently. Parents and students pay a large sum of money to attend Ohio Wesleyan and, therefore, the facilities should be up to date and work correctly.

  14. Oftentimes winter in the Midwest is associated with some concept of snow. Many inhabitants in this region perceive and respond to the coming of snow at varying emotional levels. To those who commute, snow signifies waking up at the crack of dawn and sliding down the street with the dread of accidents looming in the air. Children shake with excitement when they look out the window to see that it has snowed while instantaneously planning what adventure they will encounter at recess if school happens not to be canceled. For the average college student the emergence of snow may be met with initial excitement but there comes a time when they are met with the reality of struggling through this wonder to classes. Until recently, Ohio Wesleyan has proven inefficient and ineffective at dealing with the removal snow and ice that Mother Nature throws at the state of Ohio. As the seasons progressed from fall to winter ice began covering the sidewalks as snow fluttered from the sky. Obstacles of snow and ice remained unmoved until the eight-thirty in the morning while many lumbering students with eight ‘o’clock classes stumble through the snow in the dark packing the snow into an icy rock which proves difficult to remove later. It proves most difficult to walk down the sidewalk when iced over holes from foot prints make the ground dangerously unlevel. Salt is used in scarcity as ice triumphantly invades the jay-walk and walkways. The fear of slipping backwards down the jay-walk permeates through minds as a strong gust of wind hits many like a cold wall. Although Ohio Wesleyan has recently improved its efforts at removing the struggles of snow it still has much to improve to efficiently remove the hindrances of snow and ice.

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  17. Amelia Randall

    English 105


    The food here at Ohio Wesleyan is gross, plain and simple. At first, it was okay. But after a few weeks I had exhausted most of the options. Like most freshmen, I came here with a mission: not to gain the freshman 15. This mission has caused me to try and eat more vegetables, salads, etc. There is a fairly significant selection of vegetables and other healthy
    options. Unfortunately though, if they are not previously frozen, they are coated in so many preservatives that they taste like dirt. This puts most students like me in a difficult predicament. They can either eat horribly tasting healthy food, or delicious and greasy food that will put them on the fast track to the freshman 15. This situation is very unfair to students who seek a healthy diet, and should be brought to the university’s attention immediately.

  18. Ohio Wesleyan never has enough hot water in the morning, forcing students to either take a cold shower or run the risk offending fellow students. This apparent absence of hot water exists between 8:30AM and 11:00AM, when the bulk of Ohio Wesleyan students take showers. For a non-morning person, there is nothing worse than freezing grenades of cold water exploding on droopy eyelids. Cold showers lower the body's core temperature thus requiring the body to shiver until normal temperature is attained. Shivering takes a significant amount of energy, which results in less energy to devote to studies. This lack of energy, caused by cold showers, has already had a direct effect on one particular student's ability to remember when an English 105 paragraph was due.

  19. The time it takes for the Academic Status Committee to inform students about the outcome of their re-instatement status is long enough to drive a person crazy. If an OWU student gets below a certain GPA, they are asked to leave the school. However, some of these students-- despite what others may assume-- truly love their school, and are simply ill-prepared for college academics. In this case, they may ask for a reinstatement application. Why should any person have to wait until July (roughly three weeks before Ohio Wesleyan's fall semester commences) to find out whether or not they will be attending? As one of these students, I speak from personal experience. Now that I am an OWU student once again, I really empathize with those who have to wait as long as I did for their future to reveal itself. I believe that the Academic Status Committee at Ohio Wesleyan University can adjust its re-instatement policies and reduce the stress levels of those who are anticipating to return.

  20. Ever been hungry and everywhere to eat was already closed? This is an ongoing problem for many of the students at Ohio Wesleyan. If the dining halls that offer a variety of foods were open longer in the evenings, it would benefit many students at the university. It would allow healthy options and promotes learning. Like a typical young adult, procrastinating is the blood of the students at Ohio Wesleyan. The majority of studying takes place from the late afternoon to the evening. By extending the hours, students will not have to interrupt their studying to rush to eat before the dining halls close. Also, it allows students to have healthy options instead of the poor options Thomson and Welsh offer. Extending the amount of time the dining halls are open in the evening would benefit the student’s health and development at Ohio Wesleyan.

  21. One of the problems with Ohio Wesleyan is that the science buildings are extremely confusing. It has two buildings that don't make much sense in the way they are numbered and organized. The math/library building portion starts in the upper two-hundreds and the main floor of the other building is full of rooms in the one-hundred and sixties. Two days ago I was trying to find a class and it wasn't where it logically should have been. On the way there I met up with at least four other students who were also lost, we ended up being late because we were so confused. A detailed map of the two science buildings would be so helpful.

  22. A glaring issue that I have noticed since attending Ohio Wesleyan University is the off campus housing requirements and standards. Instead of giving everyone an equal chance, they require that you live within 30 miles of the campus. And for most of the students here, this is not the case, We have many foregin students, and a ton from all over the country, And the fact that just because they don't live in Delaware county they don't even get an equal opporutnity for housing options. I specifically have a problem with this because I live only 35 miles away, and will not be eligable to get my own house. Living in the dorms for 4 years is not ideal at all. Broadening the requirements would provide equal opportunities for all OWU students.

  23. Throughout the proud history of Ohio Wesleyan University athletics have played an integral part of the campus experience. Unfortunately, due to deterioration of Edwards Gymnasium athletics and athletes have had their progress stifled. Athletics at Ohio Wesleyan are not in state of pure crisis, however it will not be long before the state of Edwards has major effects for the worse. For example, the state of the weight room and the equipment in it are at best lacking and many student athletes feel as if they are unable to reach their full potential with the current set up. Also, if Edwards is allowed to continue to age without update it will not be long before recruiting be affected by the state of the building. Potential student athletes look for the best university to continue both on and off the field and to many of these young men and women if the state of Edwards and the facilities within in are not comparable to similar universities they will choose not to come to Ohio Wesleyan making recruiting difficult for coaches on campus.

  24. When you’re going out with a great person, it’s tempting to max out your credit cards on the biggest, shiniest, most see-how-much-I’m-into-you gift possible. But as most of us have learned from Valentine’s Day experiences, birthdays, and holidays past, the best gifts are rarely the priciest. Usually, they’re the most thoughtful. To that end, we’ve come up with six of the cutest, coolest, most thoughtful things that you can do for any special day to truly show how much you care.

    This was the closest thing I could find to a paragraph. It still isn't a good paragraph but atleast it has a topic sentence.

  25. Fire drills need to be planned accordingly and carefully during each semester. For example, during the second half of the first semester where students were studying hard for final exams, the staff conducts a fire drill at 1:45 in the morning. Busy students were interrupted by the loud alarm, and were forced to travel down the stairwell and out into the 20-degree weather with accumulating snowfall. Some of the students didn’t have time to reach for their coats, and were therefore forced to stand outside in the snow and shiver to maintain their body temperature. The wait was between 20 and 25 minutes before they could go back inside to their warm and cozy dormitories. As a result of this poorly-scheduled (many thought it was poorly scheduled), the suffering students were a bit frustrated that a late-night drill took place during a crucial studying time. When it comes to something such as a fire drill; timing is everything.

  26. Climate control inefficiencies cause uncomfortable living situations. In a region of the world where most of the year is spent in cold conditions, an efficient heating system is a necessity. The cold may not bother some, it may be unbearable to others, some may know how to deal with it well, meanwhile some may have never experienced the cold. Here at OWU the heaters in the dorm rooms are both inefficient and uncontrollable. For those who don’t mind the cold, the heaters are incapable of being shut off completely. Openning the windows and doors only makes the heater hotter. For those who need the heaters, inefficient air flow and dispersion of the heat throughout the room is a major inconvenience. An efficient and easily controllable heating system would solve many of these inconveniencies. Those who are cold can’t get warm and those who are too warm can’t cool down. I can’t imaging the conflict and tension that would arise between roommates who enjoyed completely different temperatures. Replacement of the dorm room heaters needs to be a serious consideration for the near future because of their near uselessness.

  27. On the campus of Ohio Wesleyan University, some student-athletes have the notion that their sport is the best and they do not feel the need to show support for the other teams on campus. Some student-athletes do not show support for other teams by their own will, so some coaches require their teams to attend other sporting events to try to improve the support for others. The women’s lacrosse team and the women’s softball team are the teams that are most often at other sporting events together. Also, because some student-athletes have the notion that their sport is the best, they do not feel the need to show up to events for all student-athletes, thus not showing their support for the other athletes on campus. Last year, the athletic department brought in a comedic magician to show the student-athletes that they were proud of the athletes’ hard work. However, not all sports teams on campus attended this event, which showed that they did not support the other athletes on campus.


  28. Ohio Wesleyan is a wonderful university; however, like any school, it has problems. One problem is that the music building is off campus and removed from all the other academic buildings. This creates a problem for those attending music classes and academic classes back to back. It takes about fifteen minutes to get from the music building to the other academic building. With only ten minutes between sequential classes it is impossible to be on time to sequential classes. For example, survey of music literature is at 8:00 am in the music building and freshman writing seminar is at 9:00 am in sturges hall on the academic side of campus. If a student had no other option then to take both these classes at their respective times he would often be late to the freshman writing class. This could impact his grade and overall academic standing.

  29. The convenience store for Ohio Wesleyan Students, Thompson, isn't too convenient for their wallets. Students who are short on money often rely on Thompson for toiletries, snacks, drinks, etc. The problem however, is the overpricing of Thompson's goods. Thompson prices their goods based on student food points. Food points are converted at a ratio of about one food point to two dollars. For example, a hot pocket is priced at 4.19 food points; in reality this one box of hot pockets costs nearly eight dollars. In comparison, one can purchase the same product at the local UDF for about three dollars. Ohio Wesleyan students are harmed by this dilemma because as the semester continues, the diminished amount of food points forces students to either ration their existing amount of food points or to purchase more food points.

  30. The food here at Ohio Wesleyan is gross, plain and simple. At first, it was okay. But after a few weeks most options had been exhausted. Like most freshmen, I came here with a mission: not to gain the freshman 15. Many students in turn try to eat more vegetables, salads and fruits. There is a fairly significant selection of these items, but unfortunately if they have not been previously frozen, they are coated in many different preservatives that make them taste like dirt. This puts most students in a difficult and unfair predicament. They can either eat horribly tasting healthy food, or delicious and greasy food that will put them on the fast track to the freshman 15. This situation is very dissatisfactory to students who seek a healthy diet, and should be brought to the university’s attention immediately.

    This is the edit of my first paragraph, and I could not figure out how to add it on to the first one so I am posting it again.

  31. The bookstore at Ohio Wesleyan University is a definite problem for students. Instead of helping students get the supplies they need, the bookstore takes advantage of them. This is because the books sold there are overpriced even for someone who is not a struggling college student, and Ohio Wesleyan University has reported that over 95% of its students receive help to pay for college through scholarships and/or grants, proof that students do not have extra money laying around to waste. In addition, when students reach the end of the semester and bring back their books to resell, they realize that the bookstore does not even buy back their books for half their worth. I encountered an example of this when I bought my dance book for last semester. Purchasing this book for a total of $20, I assumed that when I sold it back I would receive at least $10. I returned my practically new dance book to the bookstore, and regrettably, I only received $4 for it; once next semester rolled around, I barely had enough money to get my other books. Shocked and wondering where this extra profit was going, I came to the sad realization that the bookstore at Ohio Wesleyan is not here to serve the students but to achieve its own success. For this reason, the bookstore must be acknowledged as a problem for students, and something should be done to fix it.

    This is my revised PA #1.

  32. Walking around campus during the months of September, October, and November is beautiful; the leaves are changing colors and the squirrels are running around getting fat for winter…and then the smell hits you. There are outrageous trees, also known as Gingko trees, which smell like vomit and need to be removed from campus. Although the smell is enough to create a gag reflex, even more unappealing is the fact that the smell continues into the classroom when it sticks to the shoes of students. Because of walking through the smelly seeds that fall to the ground during these months, the smell of vomit overwhelms the classrooms in which students are trying to learn. Sitting in a classroom where the smell of barf is entering every person’s olfactory bulb makes learning what is being taught more of a challenge. Imagine sitting in class attempting to learn how to conjugate Spanish verbs in the present imperfect while trying to stop yourself from throwing up all over your notes. With first-hand experience in this area, I can tell you that this is a very difficult task, and does not get any easier until that terrible smell leaves towards the winter months.

    revised paragraph #1

  33. Where were the Bishop Bikes last semester? Twenty bikes were purchased for this Movement (which was, incidentally, awarded the Golden Bishop 2010 Program of the Year). So why was it that the only ones I found were either unfit or unsafe for riding? Within the first few days, the bikes disappeared off the bike racks. None of them could be found at the usual parking spots. I’d to play detective to find the bikes because fellow bikers tended to hide or stash them in inaccessible places. Or they would be somewhere around the fraternities- quite a distance from my dorm. If this wasn’t worse, I once found a bike chained to a handrail behind the HWCC. Its brake wires were severed and the handlebars had broken off the stem. It was in a really bad shape and it was pretty obvious that someone had met with an accident. The bars just came off into my hands. Other bikes, as I found, had really bad or non-functioning brakes (this could have led to the accident above). I had to scrape my foot along the ground to stop them. I was constantly worried about crashing into cars and pedestrians, what with me squeezing the brakes desperately. Honestly, the coordinators should ensure adequate no. of bikes for all who join this movement. And brakes should be properly repaired-it’s a safety violation that could lead to bad consequences. Lastly, bikes should be parked in clear view of everyone, not chained to handrails or hideouts. I would go as far as to say that they stay on the academic side of campus. That way, every biker gets a fair chance.

  34. The joys of a wintery afternoon can sometimes bring an unappealing frigid feeling. Such as today, the snow flakes continuously kept getting larger yet melted quickly away to slush. As the collection of snow falls between my collar and the back of my neck, it kept drilling into my mind how much I rather be in a place of complete warmth. The thought of a heat wave in below thirty degree weather would truly take away the unappealing factor of today. As i imagine myself taken about by my thoughts i forget where i am. my fantasy allows me to see myself on an island. The island is a place where one can be in complete serenity. All of a sudden im face down in the snow, back in reality where I planned to escape for those brief moments of cold
