Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Organizing Your Research Project

By class time on April 1 (Friday), please read through the immigration notes that I handed out in class on Wednesday.

1. Create three possible topics generated by the material.

2. Pick one of them and word it in the form of an argumentative thesis.

3. Create a scratch outline developing the thesis, and after each point, note some source material that develops it (A3, G4, C2 -- like that).


  1. 1. Three possible topics would be: Immigrants and their negative effects on the U.S. economy, the lack of assimilation by Hispanic immigrants, and the economical benfits that immigrants have on the U.S.

    2. Hispanic immigrants are less likely to assimilate into U.S. culture because of a lack of U.S. nationalistic views, whites fear of becoming less dominant, and lack of education.

    3. Lack of nationalistic views (C4, B11,F7,F8)
    Whites fear of becoming less dominant (D5, F5, B3)
    and Hispanic immigrants lack of education (E1, G7, D6, F3)

  2. 1. Topics: How the change in immigrantion patterns are effecting American society, How accepting immigrants from all backgrounds helps the U.S., and Why and wat changes need to be made to immigration law and proceedures.

    2. The change in immigration patterns effects American culture by further diluting it with people from dramatically different worlds and adds to the lack of unity among Americans.

    3. Change from Europeans to "others" (B5, C3, F2)

    The break down of a unified American culture (D5, F7, F8)

    How immigrants from non-European background add to the dissolvement of a unified culture (C4, D3, D9, E4, F4, F9)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. The negative impacts of increased immigration in the U.S.
    The positive impacts of increased immigration in the U.S.
    The reasons for U.S. indifference toward immigration
    2. As immigration increases in the U.S., immigrants present new issues for our society to deal with.
    3. Immigration strains the U.S. economy
    (A2, A6, G5, G6, B8, B10)
    Immigrants separate themselves from the U.S. and are reluctant to assimilate
    (C3, C4, F5, F6, F8)
    Americans will have to adapt to the changing American identity caused by increased immigration
    (F1, B3, B4, F7)

  5. 1.
    Three possible topics generated by the material are: increased immigration negatively affects the U.S. economy, increased immigration positively affects the U.S. economy, and what stance the U.S. should take on immigration.

    Increased immigration negatively affects the U.S. economy because of the increase in the unemployment rate, increase in government spending, and decrease in consumer spending.

    Increase in the unemployment rate (B8, F1, E1)
    Increase in government spending (A3, A2, A6)
    Decreases in consumer spending (F4, G4, G5)

  6. Three possible research topics:
    1. Immigrants effect on the American economy and welfare.
    2. Immigrants effect on the American culture.
    3. Immigrants’ ability to assimilate into the American Society.

    Working Thesis:
    Immigrants do not have to fully assimilate into the American society in order to succeed in America.

    Scratch Outline:
    A. Increased immigration in to America: (B-1); (F-1); (F-5); (G-7)
    B. Assimilation of Immigrants into the American society: (B-11); (C-1); (C-2);
    (C-5); (C-7); (E-5); (F-5); (F-6)
    C. Immigrants success in American: (E-1); (F-3); (G-3); (H-1); (H-3); H-4)
    D. Immigrants on welfare: (A-1,2); (A-3); (A-5); (B-10); (F-3); (G-5); (G-6)
    E. Conclusion

  7. 1A. Immigration is not creating a unified nation.
    1B. Immigrant workers are not benefitting the United States economy.
    1C. Immigration is helping the United States economy.

    2. The United State's immigration policy is not giving the nation "melting-pot" status.

    The U.S. has been very lenient with their immigration policy. (F1)
    However, some immigrants do not consider themselves American patriots, and they are not interested in calling themselves as such. (C2, C3)
    If anything, their patriotism is forced upon them and is lost after time. (C4, C5)

  8. 1. Topics: the effect that the immigrants have on the US economy, the lack of assimilation of the immigrants to the US, and the effect of immigrants on American culture

    2. Immigrants' lack of assimilation into American culture creates many different cultural groups that lead to a less unified country.

    3. There are so many new immigrants that each group interacts only with others of the same group (F5)
    The different groups are not diverse, there are just more different cultures present in America (F6)
    People feel more strongly about their own culture. Therefore, they do not include other cultures that are not assimilated (E4)
    More and more immigrants do not wish to assimilate (C2)

  9. Topic: The cultural and social implications of immigration
    Thesis: With the large amount of immigration taking place in America, there is also a large culture shift away from one American culture to many sub-cultures.
    • Significance: Amount of immigration taking place and from where
    o Where immigrants used to come from: Major historical influence on U.S culture has been British and German (Source B #5 eventually find more significance)
    o Where the immigrants are coming from: 85% of legal immigrants between 1971 and 1990 were from the third world. (Source B #2)
    o Effects on the white population: White population of the U.S feel by 13% from 1960-90 (Source B #3)
    o The size of immigration today: Increase in immigration 900,000 green cards in 1996 (Source F #1)

    • “American Culture” and past assimilation
    o Past assimilation: In the past immigrants became patriotic Americans because the government and the culture expected it out of them; assimilation was “institutionalized.” Civic assimilation, American style, is (as most of us agree) not based on adherence to particular ethnic customs, religious beliefs, cultural rituals, or culinary traditions, but on political loyalty to our democratic republic. (source C #5)
    o American culture: American identity doesn’t derive from a specific culture; it’s rooted in ideals of democracy that transcend ethnicity and a consumer culture. Both are available to an immigrant group.
    o Present ideas about how to take immigration: Source B number 6

    • The new type of non-assimilation and reasons
    o Cultures that prefer not to assimilate: Source B number 11 and source C numbers 2,3,4
    o Reasons for not assimilating: Source F number 6, 5, Source E number 5, Source D number4.

    • Implications of immigration:
    o Effects on the economy:
     State has to pay for welfare for immigrants: source A number 6, source G number 6, source B number 9, source f number 4
    o Effects on the culture
     Culture decay: source d number 1
     Fear of immigration: source d number 5, source f number 2
     Class divide Source f number 3
     Culture divide: source f number 5,6

  10. 1) Three possible topics: Immigrants today do not assimilate into American Culture
    Negative effects made by immigrants on the United States economy
    How immigration benefits the United States economy
    2) Today Hispanic immigrants to the United States do not become assimilated members of American culture.
    3) Introduction
    America has seen a spike in immigration recently (B1)
    Immigrants do not wish to become cultured citizens of the United States rather members of their old culture reaping the rewards of American citizenship. (E4)
    Today’s immigrants lack a sense of pride in being an American. (F8)

  11. 1. Possible Topics
    -Negative impacts of immigration on the American economy
    -Immigrant’s disconnect with Americans and American Culture
    -Benefits of immigration on America
    2. Thesis
    The recent upsurge of immigration to American has triggered a disconnect between immigrants and American natives within American culture.
    3. Outline
    -Americans’ response to immigrants(F2, F11, B5, B6, D5, E4, E5, F9)
    -Immigrants’ response to Americans and their culture (F7, B9, B2, B3, F5)

  12. Possible topics are:
    Negative effects of immigrants on the economy
    Immigrants have a positive effect on the USA
    New social class formed by immigrants

    Possible thesis:
    New immigrants form a new lower social class in the United States.

    • Unskilled (A5, A6, E1, F3, G5)
    • Not assimilating (B11, C2, D9, E5, F5)
    • Increase the diversity (B3, B4, D6, E4)

  13. (1). The topics I have selected are: The effects of Caribbean Immigrants on the American Society in the early twentieth century, The Beginning of Immigration to the United States of America and the negative economic effects of immigration on American society o
    (2). Increase in immigration is costing the American economy enormous amounts of money. Increase in spending is as a result of U.S economy supporting the welfare of immigrants.
    (3) Where do Immigrants emigrate from? (B2)
    Social and economic status of immigrants on arrival to the U. S.(F 3, F4,
    Economic effects (F3, G5, G6, F4, A2, A3, B10,)

  14. 1. Economic Effects of Immigrants, Social and Cultural Effects of Immigrants, Difficulty of Assimilation for Immigrants

    2. New immigrants are not fully assimilating into American culture.

    3. They come over in huge numbers (B1, B3, B4, F1) There’s so many they function on their own (C2, C3, C4, F7, F5, F8)

  15. Three possible topics are :

    1)Cultural assimilation then and now
    2)Current immmigrants-economic benefit or liability
    3)Immigrant impact on American diversity

    Argumentative thesis: Cultural assimilation in America is no longer relevant as it was half a century ago.

    The melting pot tradition that has survived for so long has now declined(C4,C5,F5,F8).

    American society is less willing to impose its traditional norms and customs on immigrants today(E5,F7)

    There is more emphasis today on immigrants maintaining their former national culture and identity(B11,F5,F6).

  16. 1. TOPICS:
    a. How immigration affects the economy in a positive way.
    b. How our “melting put” culture has been affected by immigration in the country.
    c. How immigrates do not do what is necessary to assimilate, mostly facing the language barrier and education system.
    2. THESIS:
    a. Hispanic immigrates face the barriers such as education level and language in order to properly assimilate in the United States of America but do not do what they can to surpass it.
    3. POINTS:
    a. Immigrates are no trying to face the language barrier (F5, B11, F9)
    b. The less education the immigrates have originally cause problems for our economy (F3, C4)

  17. 1)Effects of Immigration on US Economy
    2)The US Melting Pot: Should we assimilate to others or have them convert to Americanism?(f7)
    3)Will America be dominated by immigrants or will we hold our own?

    #2 thesis:
    The mass flow of immigrants making their way to America has produced a rich melting pot of culture, but what is the real American culture?

    Do Americans have a culture themselves or are they all just immigrants living on the same continent? (F7)(D3)(F9)

    How do we assimilate to immigrants as they assimilate to us? (E5)(F2)(F5 + 6)(F8)

  18. 1. Three Possible Topics
    a. How immigration has a negative effect on the United states Economy
    b. How immigration has a positive effect on the United states Economy
    c. How immigration effects American Values

    2. Immigrants today are less skilled than they previously were and as result they are creating a new lower class which is draining our welfare.

    a. Introduction
    b.Immigrants are less skilled (A5, A6, E1)
    c. state pays for welfare (G6, B9, F4)
    d. Implications on american economy (A2, A3, B10)
    e. Conclusion

  19. 1. The negative effects of immigration to America, the positive effects of immigration to America, New immigrants’ establishment of an American Identity.
    2. New immigrants have a hard time establishing an American identity.
    3. Lack of assimilation (A11, C2, C7, E5, F5, F6)
    What is an American identity? (D3, F7, F8)
    How do American’s expect new immigrants to adjust? (D9, F9)

  20. 1. The negative effects of immigration on the U.S. economy, The lack of assimilation of immigrants and its effect on American culture, The negative social effects of the increasing percentage of immigrants.
    2. Immigrants have come to thrive off of American welfare, services, and facilities through an increased lack of assimilation.
    3. Increased use of American services by immigrants (A2,A5,B9)
    Lack of assimilation (C2,E4,F5,F6)
    Increased percentage of immigrants (B1,B3,B4,F1)

  21. Topics:
    1. Negative effects of Immigration on US economy
    2. Positive effects of immigration on US economy
    3. The US opinion on Immigrations effect on the US economy

    Immigration is changing the U.S economy, but the indifference about its affect is overwhelming and changing the unity of the country.

    The tensions that Immigration has on the U.S. economy
    (A2, G5, G6, B8)
    Immigrants resisting assimilation (B11, C2, E5, F5)
    Effects of Immigration on the economy (A2, A3, F4, G5, B10,)
